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There are many misconceptions about what estrogen really is and how it works in the body. This widespread confusion exists in the minds of the lay public as well as the medical community. The result is poor choices being made about what women should be doing to maintain youthful hormone balance while also protecting against cancer. This article uncovers the basic facts about estrogen that are so often overlooked by doctors today. It then reveals dietary modifications that women should consider if they are taking an estrogen drug. The science underlying this article is extremely complex. In order to make this information comprehensible to the lay reader, we have made a special effort to translate these new findings about estrogen metabolism into a version that most people will understand. Nevertheless, some people may have difficulty understanding a few technical areas of this article. This information is so critically important, however, that we urge you to re-read paragraphs you do not understand in order to gain a full grasp of these crucial anticancer concepts. The word estrogen strikes fear into the hearts of many. Women equate it with breast cancer, scientists equate it with “endocrine disruptors,” and doctors equate it with hormone replacement. Are these perceptions accurate? Estrogen is many things. It includes the body’s natural estrogenic hormones and things that look like the body’s natural hormones. As long as something behaves like an estrogen in the body, it is an estrogen, or is, quite simply, “estrogenic.” The strongest natural estrogen in the human body is estradiol. Premarin® is an example of an unnatural estrogen—unnatural, at least, to the human body. It is made from estrogens excreted in the urine of pregnant horses. Chemical estrogens that behave badly once they are inside the body are known as “endocrine disruptors” for their adverse effects on development. All of these estrogens interact with the body’s innate hormonal system. They do not, however, provoke the same responses.
What Makes Estrogen Tick The answer is, partly, estrogen receptors, which are proteins in the body that react to estrogen. Estrogen is like fuel, and estrogen receptors are like machines. When fuel meets machine, things happen. Unfortunately, what happens depends on which area of the body is in question. The receptors of different parts of the body are different. In other words, although all the machinery runs on some type of estrogen, not all the machinery does the same thing. Estrogen does different things in different parts of the body. It does one thing in the brain and another in the breast. It might surprise you to learn, for example, that the pituitary gland is second after the uterus as the most estrogen-responsive area of the body.3 So it is not accurate to think of estrogen as the thing that makes breast cancer cells grow. Just a few years ago, researchers believed that there were two types of estrogen receptors: alpha and beta. That made things fairly simple. Estrogen hits receptor alpha and Y happens. Research focused mostly on the strong estrogen—estradiol—and it seemed that progress could be made in understanding how estrogen affects at least breast tissue, though strange things continued to happen, such as the estrogen “blocker” tamoxifen causing the growth of tamoxifen-dependent cancers. With the discovery of a much larger picture, those days are over and a lot of research is now out the window. As a researcher at Columbia recently lamented, “where will it end?”4 There is more to it than anyone ever imagined. The Plot Thickens Estradiol Stops Cancer Cell Growth In 2001, researchers reported for the first time that tamoxifen breakdown products interact with one of the newly discovered estrogen-receptor-related receptors, and keeps it from activating certain genes normally activated by estrogen.8,15 This opened a whole new vista for understanding how tamoxifen and other synthetic estrogens work. Important clues have already been found. Estrogen Cofactors Discovered In the laboratory, researchers can get estrogen, by itself, to activate estrogen receptors. In other words, in a laboratory setting, any estrogen fuel will activate the estrogen machinery and set things in motion. In real life, this does not happen. In real life, estrogen is only one of many factors that coordinate as a group to activate estrogen receptors. The body makes proteins known as “coactivators” and “corepressors.” These proteins attach themselves to estrogen and other hormones such as thyroid, creating big, complex “globs.” It is these globs—not estrogen alone—that activate or suppress what was previously attributed to estrogen alone. In other words, studies showing what an estrogen does in the laboratory may have little to do with what actually occurs in the human body; in real life, other proteins run the show. This is bold new territory for hormone research. Here is an example of just how important these coactivator and corepressor proteins are in determining how estrogen behaves. Corepressor SSN6 blocks estrogen’s effects in cells. In other words, the SSN6 protein shuts the machinery down. The estrogen fuel can be available (estrogen could be floating all around), but the machinery will not start as long as corepressor SSN6 is working. It neutralizes the effects of estrogen. If something interferes with this protein, however, instead of dampening the effects of estrogen, it enhances them. In addition, estrogen blockers turn into estrogen enhancers.16 Sound familiar? The importance of coactivators and corepressors cannot be overstated. They interact with both estrogen receptors and the newly discovered estrogen-receptor-related receptors. As you will soon read, there may be natural ways for women to regulate these “coactivators” in a manner that reduces breast cancer risk.
Estrogen Imposters Premarin® and Prempro™ are drugs made of 17 beta-estradiol and more than a dozen estrogen metabolites from horses.20 These manmade drugs should not be confused with any estrogen manufactured by the human body, with other estrogen drugs, or with estrogen in general. The data from studies of women taking these drugs cannot, and should not, be extrapolated to other hormone replacement drugs or therapy. This is an important point: Premarin® is not estrogen, but instead is an estrogen—one of many estrogens. Different estrogens produce different effects. The manufacturer of Premarin® and Prempro™ has argued that its horse estrogens have unique effects in humans, and undoubtedly they do. Dozens of studies demonstrate important differences between the effects of Premarin® on the human body and the effects of other estrogen products. Transdermal estradiol, for example, may decrease triglycerides and LDL oxidation, whereas Premarin® may do the opposite.21 Premarin® may increase C-reactive protein (a negative for the heart) while transdermal estradiol may not.22 Changing from Premarin® to transdermal estradiol may reduce triglycerides significantly.23 Estrogen patches may reduce blood pressure, whereas oral estrogen may not.24 These and dozens of other studies show different effects depending on which estrogen drug is being evaluated. Not only are there differences between Premarin®/Prempro™ and other drugs, but there are differences between other drugs as well.
Neutralizing Estrogen: The Asian Advantage Researchers have extensively investigated three aspects of the Asian advantage: soy, vegetables, and green tea. Each is associated with a dramatically lower risk of breast cancer. Drinking 36 ounces of soy milk a day can reduce levels of estradiol by 20-27% within weeks.32,33 Soy contains isoflavones that neutralize “strong” estrogens, converting them to estrogen metabolites that protect against breast cancer.34 When mice implanted with human breast tumors were given soy concentrate and green tea, tumor size was reduced by 72%.35 Estrogen receptor alpha was also reduced, an indication that the combination of soy and green tea was working at the genetic level, probably with estrogen cofactors. Forty milligrams of isoflavones a day significantly decreased “strong” estrogen levels in women, according to a study from the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL.36 These are only a few of the many studies demonstrating the beneficial effects of soy. In another experiment that shows the hormonal benefits of soy on the effects of chemical estrogens, when female monkeys were given birth control pills, their cortisol shot up, and their DHEA and testosterone plummeted. When they were given Premarin®, the same thing happened. When the monkeys were given soy protein with isoflavones, however, their hormones normalized.37 Several years ago, there was concern about genistein, an isoflavone in soy, when research showed that it activated estrogen-related genes. Some people took this to mean they should avoid consuming soy, which would be unfortunate given the overwhelmingly positive data about soy’s benefits to humans. Genistein has been called the “good estrogen” for its beneficial effects against estrogen-responsive breast cancer.38 It subsequently emerged that most of the negative research on genistein was generated by one researcher, under conditions that would not exist in real life (such as extremely high levels of genistein put into cancer cells that were deprived of all other estrogen). | |||||
LE Magazine October 2004 | |||||
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What You Don't Know About Estrogen | |||||
The human body manufactures estrogen as a necessary component in many processes; estrogen is always in the body, even in postmenopausal women. Copper, too, is always in the body and is another example of something that can distort the way genistein behaves in a test tube.39 Researchers at the University of California, Davis, recently did the same test tube study on genistein and produced the same negative results. They then put genistein in a test tube with the cancer cells and environmental estrogens. The result showed that genistein suppressed cancer cell growth.40 These studies on pure genistein, however, do not accurately reflect what occurs in a complex environment such as the human body. Fortunately, the safety of soy isoflavones (including genistein) for human consumption has been confirmed by experiments with monkeys, the experimental model closest to humans.41 Monkeys treated for three years with soy or soy minus its isoflavones exhibited no abnormal cell growth; in fact, the result was just the opposite. The researchers concluded, “These findings suggest that high dietary levels of soy isoflavones do not stimulate breast or uterine proliferation in postmenopausal monkeys and may contribute to an estrogen profile associated with reduced breast cancer risk.” In addition, a new study clarifying the estrogenic effects of genistein on the uterus found that genistein may enhance cell growth for a few days, but then the effect stops. This is a new finding, and the results are different from those for estrogen drugs that perpetuate growth indefinitely.42 With any luck, issues surrounding how genistein behaves will be soon resolved. It is important to remember that genistein also blocks the growth of estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer cells. By incorporating soy and isoflavones in her diet, a woman can potentially stop breast cancer before it develops.43 The one caveat is that genistein may interfere with tamoxifen, and thus should not be taken by itself with that drug.44 One of the most exciting new findings is that genistein keeps amyloid from killing brain cells (without any negative effects on uterine cells), and has been suggested as an alternative to synthetic estrogens for the prevention ofAlzheimer’s disease.45 Studies of the popular estrogen drugs Premarin® and Prempro™ show that they may actually increase the risk of dementia.46 Everybody knows that vegetables are good for you, and they are especially good for women who want to avoid breast cancer. Vegetables enable the body to rid itself of excess estrogens. Meat eaters have about 50% more estradiol and estrone in their blood than do vegetarians.47 Women who eat the most vegetables, beans such as lentils, and fiber reduce their risk of breast cancer risk by 50%.48 As you will read next, compounds found in vegetables favorably affect the way estrogen behaves in the body.
Other Ways To Tame Estrogen I3C helps convert “strong” estrogens into benign or even helpful estrogens such as 2-hydroxyestrone.50,51 It also acts very much like tamoxifen in blocking undesirable estrogenic effects in breast cancer cells, and its antiestrogen effects are enhanced with genistein.52 When digested, I3C is converted to other substances, including diindolylmethane (DIM). Some earlier research suggested that I3C’s beneficial effects were due to DIM. New research shows this is not the case, and that there are important differences in the effects of I3C and DIM on the metabolism of estrogen. Researchers recently stated, “This finding [of I3C’s effects] is inconsistent with the claim that DIM is the biologically active metabolite of I3C with regard to its antiestrogenicity.” DIM does not increase beneficial 2-hydroxylation of estrogen (at least in rats), but it does lower harmful 4- and 6-hydroxylations.53 By contrast, I3C, which partially converts to DIM during digestion, affects all three in a positive way. Moreover, DIM does not have the anti-estrogen effects of I3C.54 Another potential supplement for breast cancer prevention that has drawn a lot of interest is melatonin. Melatonin is associated with sleep because it builds up during the night, but it may ultimately end up being more associated with estrogen than with sleep. Studies show that melatonin plays a major role in how estrogen behaves. In estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer cells, melatonin can bring cell growth to a halt.55 Research indicates that melatonin controls estrogen, and vice versa.55-57 In studies of rodents, melatonin shows great promise with regard to its ability to prevent breast cancer when given continuously, before and after exposure to a carcinogen, and when given to mice with the HER2/neu genetic alteration.58,59 Researchers have been unsuccessful in correlating blood levels of melatonin with breast cancer.60 This reflects melatonin’s complexity as a hormone that, like estrogen, comes in various forms and has several receptors. Without a doubt, melatonin plays a major role in breast cancer through its effects on estrogen and other cancer-related phenomena. As an antioxidant, melatonin is not only powerful but also unique. Unlike vitamin E, which essentially has no further effects after it scavenges a radical, when melatonin gets a radical, it creates a new melatonin antioxidant; that is, it self-perpetuates. It also cooperates with other antioxidants like vitamins C and E.61 Antioxidants are very important in preventing cancer, and it has been reported that free radicals can activate or deactivate genes that are involved in breast cancer.62
In addition, melatonin may suppress cortisol, which is a stress-related hormone.63,64 It is interesting to note that the overwhelming majority of breast cancer patients say stress caused their disease.65 In a study of older women, 2 mg of melatonin per day reduced estradiol levels, enhanced sleep, and improved levels of DHEA.66 Melatonin is very potent, and as little as 0.3 mg per day may be enough to produce beneficial effects. Breast cancer is a serious concern for most women. Understanding that there are different types of estrogen, that different estrogens have different effects, and that women can, to a certain degree, control their own estrogen (through dietary modification and supplement use) will help women make informed choices about estrogen exposure and reduce their risk of breast cancer. Recent discoveries about estrogen receptors and how they interact may finally unlock the mysteries of how estrogens work, and provide the basis for nontoxic treatment and effective prevention.
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LE Magazine October 2004 | ||
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What You Don't Know About Estrogen | ||
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