Life Extension Magazine®
Atherosclerosis is Reversed
About a year and a half after commencing daily supplementation with GliSODin®, measurable decreases in subjects’ IMT were detected. Approximately two years after starting GliSODin® supplementation, decreases in IMT values became statistically significant. In dramatic contrast, control subjects not receiving GliSODin® experienced increased IMT values over the same period.21 There were no reported side effects in either group. This remarkable study demonstrated that reversal of atherosclerosis in adults with multiple risk factors for future cardiovascular disease is possible through a combination of healthy diet and daily intake of GliSODin® (orally bioavailable superoxide dismutase). These findings were confirmed by monitoring of clinical and biological health parameters, and measurements of carotid IMT. The GliSODin® regimen, “improves, significantly, the anti-oxidant status,” noted investigators, “and diminishes, remarkably, carotid artery IMT.”21 It should be noted that these findings echo those of other researchers, who, in previous and subsequent studies, have convincingly demonstrated GliSODin®’s ability to reduce oxidative damage in human volunteers and animal models.25-27 Pomegranate Fights Oxidative Damage, Reverses AtherosclerosisScientists have recently shown that pomegranate juice offers cardiac health benefits that complement those of GliSODin®. In the past seven years alone, the amount of published research on pomegranate has increased seven-fold over all preceding years in the medical and scientific literature.40 That’s almost certainly because each new study underscores the potential of this fruit to fight cancer and to combat oxidative stress. The latter is of particular importance for atherosclerosis prevention.
In 2004, researchers published the findings of a three-year study on the daily consumption of pomegranate juice (50 mL, or 1.7 ounces) by patients with advanced atherosclerosis.41 These patients were diagnosed with carotid artery stenosis; a serious condition in which the carotid arteries, responsible for supplying blood to the brain, become noticeably narrowed by buildup of atherosclerotic plaques. Such patients are at increased risk of suffering strokes or other “cerebrovascular accidents”. In this study, common carotid IMT increased by 9% within one year in the non-supplemented control group. Remarkably, patients drinking pomegranate juice experienced a whopping 35% reduction in the IMT score and a 44% improvement in carotid artery blood flow over the same period. Investigators also documented a 21% reduction in systolic blood pressure among the pomegranate juice drinkers. Serum total antioxidant status was increased by an extraordinary 130% after one year of pomegranate supplementation. Additionally, the scientists monitored the status of an enzyme that may protect against the development of atherosclerotic plaque by protecting LDL against oxidative modification. Pomegranate drinkers’ levels of this beneficial enzyme increased by 83% after just one year. “For all studied parameters, the maximal effects were observed after one year of consumption,” wrote the researchers.41
Other researchers from around the globe have obtained similar results when studying pomegranate’s ability to rapidly improve volunteers’ antioxidant status,42 to reduce oxidative stress, and to reverse processes that contribute to the promotion and progression of atherosclerosis, including coronary artery narrowing and LDL oxidation.43-47 ConclusionAtherosclerosis is a serious threat to health. Its progression has been linked to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, atrial fibrillation and dementia, among other potentially fatal conditions. Since it may begin as early as childhood, and aging has been identified as the greatest risk factor for its development, it is vital to combat this arterial-dysfunction disease as early—and as aggressively—as possible. Nature has provided the means to protect ourselves from this insidious threat. By increasing our levels of the natural enzymatic antioxidant, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and by harnessing the potent polyphenol power of pomegranate, scientists have shown that it is now possible to help reverse the course of atherosclerosis—naturally.
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