Life Extension Magazine®

Researcher taking part in the Duke University study

Major Advances In Glioblastoma Treatment

Each month, 1,000 Americans die from glioblastoma with survival averaging only 15 months from diagnosis. In 2013, Life Extension ® reported on the use of the drug valganciclovir, which extended survival to over four years in some studies. Clinical trials are now underway at Duke University on a promising, re-engineered polio virus therapy that may be curative.

Scientifically reviewed by Dr. Gary Gonzalez, MD, in August 2023. Written by: William Faloon.

In 2013, Life Extension® announced a discovery that added precious years to people stricken with a lethal brain cancer called glioblastoma. The drug shown to be effective was called valganciclovir, which is typically prescribed to treat cytomegalovirus.

In 2015, the CBS News program “60 Minutes” featured a story about research emanating from Duke University Medical Center showing complete responses in terminal glioblastoma patients who were administered a re-engineered polio virus directly into their brain tumor. The re-engineered virus prompted a powerful immune response against the viral-infected cancer cells, which in some patients appeared to eradicate their glioblastoma.

The Magnitude Of Human Carnage

Each month, 1,000 Americans die from glioblastoma. Up until now there was no cure. Survival from time of glioblastoma diagnosis averages only 15 months.

Valganciclovir extended survival to over four years in some studies. Doctors are cautiously optimistic that this re-engineered polio virus may be curative.

How To Enroll In Duke University Study

If you or someone you know suffers from glioblastoma, here is the patient criteria needed to participate in this Phase I clinical study:

  1. You must have a recurrent glioblastoma (meaning you have already failed at least one conventional treatment).

  2. You can only have one area of tumor.

  3. You must be fully functional, which means totally coherent and able to walk and function on your own.

If you said yes to all three, call and speak to Brittany at 919-684-5301 and press option 1. Brittany will set you up to speak with the nurse who will continue with the medical screening process to see if you qualify for the trial.

Questions Life Extension® Asked Duke University

Question: How many glioblastoma patients is Duke accepting?

Answer: There are no limits at this point. People have to qualify after they provide us with their medical histories and complete all the paperwork. If accepted, they then meet the nurses and doctors for their appointments.

Question: How long is the wait to begin treatment?

Answer: Treatment starts after the patient meets all the appointments and completes the screening. Patients start treatment as soon as everything is in order.

Question: Are younger people given preferential treatment?

Answer: No.

Question: Has anyone been turned away following the favorable “60 Minutes” report?

Answer: No one is rejected. We have had a lot of calls, but have been able to handle them. The prescreening questions help to eliminate wasting time so we can continue the screening process and see if people qualify for the study after all the preliminary work is done. That is based on them meeting their appointment times, sending in the paperwork and meeting all the other necessary criteria, etc.

We Applaud Duke University…
But More Lives May Have Been Saved

It appears this re-engineered polio virus therapy could have been introduced sooner had it not been for bureaucratic hurdles regarding human clinical research that Congress has to fix. Glioblastoma is considered virtually 100% terminal and no human should be denied access to an experimental therapy that has a credible chance of working.

View the “60 Minutes” segment at for more information regarding this new treatment for glioblastoma.

To inquire about qualifying for this Duke University study, call Brittany at 919-684-5301 and press option 1. If you meet eligibility criteria, Brittany will set you up to speak with the nurse who will continue with the medical screening process to see if you qualify to enter the trial.

If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension® Health Advisor at 1-866-864-3027.