Life Extension Magazine®

Dr. Christopher Mohr has spoken on health, nutrition, and fitness at the White House and the Central Intelligence Agency, to major corporations like Under Armour® and Deloitte, and on television programs like The Talk.
He’s also worked as the consulting sports nutritionist for the National Football League’s Cincinnati Bengals.
But despite the wide range of audiences, Mohr says that most people need the same overall message when it comes to improving their health. And he is passionate about bringing that message to aging individuals—not just to help them live longer—but to help them enjoy every minute of their longevity.
In the process, Mohr has built his passion for helping people into a wellness empire, with a message that has reached tens of thousands of individuals from all walks of life, in nearly 50 states and in more than 10 countries around the world.
Transforming Lives
Long before he started helping people transform their lives, Mohr went through his own transformation. As a boy in middle school, Mohr loved playing football. But by the time he reached eighth grade, he was over the weight limit to play, and he had a decision to make: lose weight or don’t play.
It was an easy decision for Mohr.
“The process of losing 20 pounds got me interested in fitness and nutrition,” said Mohr. “I started reading fitness magazines. And when it came time to apply for college, the only thing I was interested in was nutrition.”
That initial interest has shaped Mohr’s career. He went on to get a Master of Science in Nutrition from the University of Massachusetts, and a PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Pittsburgh.
Early in his career, Mohr wrote a column for Men’s Fitness Magazine, he also wrote for Discovery Health’s medical TV program, and currently he is on the Men’s Health Advisory Board.
But it wasn’t until he met his wife that their business, Mohr Results, really took off.
Named one of the top weight loss doctors in the country by Prevention Magazine, Dr. Kara Mohr also earned a PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Pittsburgh. She was a professor, teaching at the University of Louisville, before leaving to join forces with Chris.
This dynamic duo started and ran the number one fitness bootcamp in Louisville, Kentucky, for six years. During that time, they reached nearly 1,000 women, helping them take control of their health. Then the couple turned their attention to coaching and speaking to larger groups around the world.
“Together we have a unique combination of exercise physiology, nutrition, and behavior change—three pillars that make for a nice complement for helping people make sustainable lifestyle changes,” said Chris Mohr.
More Movement
Whether he is speaking to an audience in London or having a one-on-one in your living room, Mohr’s message on fitness boils down to this: Do what you love and what is realistic for your abilities—and do just enough exercise to get the result and no more.
“Most people don’t have an hour or two to spend at the gym every day. I know I don’t,” he said. “I can talk until I’m blue in the face about the benefits of resistance training, but if you have zero interest in that, you’re not going to do it.”
Instead, Mohr says to start by including more movement throughout the day–like using the bathroom upstairs when you’re downstairs, and parking farther away from the entrance at the supermarket.
“These activities can sound so basic, and it’s easy to discount them,” said Mohr. “But added together, those simple things help so much because the more you do, the more you’ll be able to do. I want you to move as much as possible, then exercise just as much as you need. Movement and exercise are different.”
In addition to achieving your own personal goals, one of the biggest benefits to moving on a regular basis is getting more energy.
“When you get your blood flow going, and when you fuel your body a little bit better, you’ll regain much of the energy that you had when you were younger,” said Mohr. “The best part is that you don’t have to overhaul your entire lifestyle to achieve these results.”
Lessons from the Blue Zones

“Fitness keeps you young,” said Mohr. “It is what allows you to not just live a long life, but to be able to enjoy it. Nutrition is equally important. What you put in your body is what you will get out of your body.”
Mohr doesn’t recommend fad diets or getting caught up in the latest trends. Instead, he advocates following a basic Mediterranean-diet lifestyle that includes lots of color from fruits and vegetables, as well as lean protein and grains.
These recommendations are based on the latest science and follow the example of people who live in the areas of the world where people live longest: the blue zones.
There are five blue zones, where communities of people routinely live to be older than 100. When evaluating the habits of these centenarians, researchers have found that many follow a Mediterranean-style diet.
For example, the individuals living in Ikaria, Greece, an island eight miles off the coast of Turkey, have some of the lowest rates of middle-aged mortality in the world. Researchers attribute this longevity to their diet, which is rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, and low in dairy, meat, and sugar.
And in the Ogliastra mountain region of the Italian island of Sardinia, which boasts the highest concentration of centenarian men in the world, people regularly consume a diet rich in home-grown fruits and vegetables, cheese that comes from grass-fed sheep, and goat’s milk.
But diet isn’t the only factor in these societies’ longevity.
“The other huge component is the social aspect,” Mohr said. “A huge benefit that keeps popping up is the connection among people. Older people can often lose community and connection. They retire, and don’t feel like they have a purpose anymore.”
The centenarians living on the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica are a perfect example of the benefits of staying connected. Next to Sardinia, Nicoya has the second highest population of male centenarians, and in this case, their longevity is attributed to their strong faith communities and deep social networks.
The Key to Lasting Change
“At the end of the day, you can make the changes, but if you don’t have the behaviors to support them, you won’t maintain them long-term,” said Mohr. “Otherwise it’s like a New Year’s resolution.”
Defining your “why” is a key step in creating sustainable change in your life, he explained. “You have to dig down to how someone feels. Rather than wanting to weigh a specific weight, or even wanting to lower your risk of heart disease, you have to identify why.”
For example, do you want to lose weight so that you’ll have more energy to play on the floor with your grandkids? So that you can join the local pickleball league? So that you can be more active during retirement with your spouse?
“Each of us has our unique why,” said Mohr. “It’s something that makes it tangible to you.”
Taking a Peek Inside Your Body
Many trainers emphasize how the outside of your body looks, but Mohr stresses that what’s going on inside is as important—or more.
“You might know your body weight, but what’s going on with your cholesterol, your hormones, or your vitamin D levels?” he said.
That’s why, in addition to teaching his clients about proper nutrition, Mohr recommends blood panel tests available through Life Extension®.
“Everything we’ve talked about is great for your physical health, but you don’t know what’s going on inside your body unless you test it,” he said. “The blood panel test is a very simple way to get a comprehensive assessment that will let you know if there’s something you need to work on.”
Most doctors test for markers such as cholesterol and triglycerides, but the Life Extension® blood panel test is much more comprehensive, evaluating a dozen or more markers (depending on the specific test), such as steroid hormones like testosterone and DHEA-S, prostate markers like PSA, and cardiac markers like C-reactive protein and homocysteine.
Once you know what’s going on inside your body, you can take steps to improve it.
“I start with recommendations around nutrition, exercise, and sleep, since they all have a huge impact on blood panels,” Mohr said. “Then I add in supplements. I call them ‘complements,’ because they should complement a quality diet. Where nutrition may not do all that’s needed, supplements can potentially help effect change.”
But for those of you who don’t have Mohr to personally guide you based on your test results, Life Extension provides free access to trained wellness specialists, who can make recommendations tailored to your individual needs.
Targeted Health Advice
When Mohr got his blood drawn for the Male Elite Panel Blood Test, the technician drew 10 vials of blood—far more than a typical blood draw.
The lab technician was curious about this and she asked for more information, including the cost.
“I told her it was about $430, and she was shocked. She said that if you just got vitamin D tested alone, it would cost about $280,” said Mohr. “So, when you consider that this particular test includes more than 28 important measurements, you can see that it’s really cost effective.”
Life Extension works hard to negotiate the best lab test prices for its customers. Regular blood testing is a core ingredient of the Life Extension philosophy of being proactive about your health.
The results of Mohr’s male blood panel test revealed that his vitamin D levels were below optimal, at 34 ng/mL. This is technically within “normal” limits according to current recommendations. But the latest research recommends aiming for levels of 50-80 ng/mL in order to attain vitamin D’s disease-lowering benefits.
“I was surprised by these results because I had been taking 3,000 IUs of vitamin D during the winter months, and I thought I was getting enough sunlight during the summer to get all the vitamin D I needed,” Mohr said. “This test showed me that there’s more I can do to achieve optimal vitamin D levels.”
As a result, he added additional vitamin D to his regimen, which includes omega-3s, a multivitamin, and a whey protein supplement. He plans to have his levels retested after a few months.
“If you get targeted answers, you can choose targeted supplements and not blind recommendations,” said Mohr. “My vitamin D results are the perfect example of that.”
Tests Included in the Male Elite Panel Blood Test
Steroid Hormones:
- Testosterone, Free with Total
- Estrogens, Total
- Estradiol
- Progesterone
- Pregnenolone
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
- Cortisol
Thyroid Hormones:
- Free T3
- Free T4
- Reverse T3
Cardiac Markers:
- C-reactive protein (high sensitivity)
- Homocysteine
- Apolipoprotein B
Prostate Cancer Marker:
- Free PSA
- % Free PSA
Endocrine Hormone:
- Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)
- Insulin
Hormone Binding Proteins:
- Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
General Health Markers:
- Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy
- Complete Metabolic Panel
- Lipid Profile
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Ferritin
- Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C)
Getting the Most Out of Life
Mohr stays active doing resistance training, swimming, and playing tennis. When he’s working from home, upstairs, he walks two floors down to use the bathroom there, in order to get more movement, just like he encourages his clients to do.
“I get in as much movement as I can outside structured exercise,” said Mohr. “During the summer I enjoy playing basketball with my daughters and going for a walk in the evening. Anything to get that movement in consistently.”
The nutrition aspect is equally important. His family follows a Mediterranean-style diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, plus plenty of fibrous greens.
“We also stress that it’s not just about what you eat and how much, but about the social aspect,” said Mohr.
That’s why every Friday night he shares a meal with a group of friends.
“Food connects us,” he said. “We see the social benefits from people living in the blue zones, and we try to practice that ourselves.”
These are important lessons Mohr instills in his daughters, and it’s what he teaches his clients as well. After all, “Mohr Results” might be his business, but helping people get the most out of life is his mission.
“At the end of the day, all we have is our body,” Mohr said. “How we take care of it is what’s going to carry us on, not just for living longer, but for having energy and vitality to live a great life, longer.”
Christopher Mohr, PhD, RD, has a Bachelor and a Master of Science degree in Nutrition from The Pennsylvania State University and University of Massachusetts, respectively. He earned his PhD in exercise physiology from the University of Pittsburgh and is a Registered Dietitian. For more information or to hire Mohr for a speaking engagement, visit
If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension® Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.