The Ageless Revolution with the anti-aging authority Dr. Michael Aziz

Dr. Michael Aziz The Ageless Revolution Looking Younger, and Living Longer

In his latest book, The Ageless Revolution, anti-aging authority Dr. Michael Aziz gives step-by-step instructions for tackling key hallmarks of aging and living a healthier, longer life.

Scientifically reviewed by Gary Gonzalez, MD, in February 2025. Written by: Laurie Mathena.

Dr. Michael Aziz is a premier anti-aging doctor with a mission to help people defeat disease, reverse aging, and live longer.

In addition to his large anti-aging practice in New York City, Dr. Aziz has been a keynote speaker for groups like the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and he has appeared on television programs such as The Doctors, The View, Fox and Friends, CBN, and more.1

In his latest book, The Ageless Revolution, Dr. Aziz gives step-by-step instructions for tackling key hallmarks of aging.

The result is an anti-aging blueprint that guides the reader through what to do—and what NOT to do—to live a healthier, longer life.

This book is the culmination of years of study and research—and of Dr. Aziz's own personal experience utilizing the tools he recommends.

A New Start

During Dr. Aziz's three decades practicing as a board-certified internal medicine doctor, he saw firsthand that the traditional medical system is flawed.

"There's very little you can do in a short 15-minute visit when you're seeing 30 patients a day," said Dr. Aziz. "You're only putting a band-aid on the problem and not fixing any underlying issue. I was not able to make a dramatic difference in people's lives."

In addition, Dr. Aziz was facing his own health struggles despite following common medical advice.

By age 38, he was overweight, had prediabetes, and was tired all the time.

To address these issues Dr. Aziz retrained to be a functional medicine physician. During this time, he learned how to get to the root of health issues and how to be proactive in the fight against aging.

"Doctors treat aging as normal. In reality, aging is a disease," said Dr. Aziz. "It's ok to get older, but it's not ok to get sick. I want to teach people how to slow down the aging process and extend life."

His latest book, The Ageless Revolution, puts this plan into action

An Arsenal of Anti-Aging Weapons

In his book, Dr. Aziz focuses on 10 hallmarks of aging.

These hallmarks include gut dysbiosis, the accumulation of senescent cells, mitochondrial dysfunction, epigenetic changes, shortened telomeres, and others.

To tackle Dr. Aziz's proposed hallmarks, he recommends working in stages.

Stage one is to focus on basics like diet, exercise, and reducing bad habits.

A healthy diet is a cornerstone of any healthy aging regimen. But Dr. Aziz warns against popular diets like low-fat, low-carb, or keto—all of which can lead to more health problems than benefits.

Instead, Dr. Aziz has a simple message, "Eat a clean, balanced diet without too much fat or protein."

Beyond diet, reducing bad habits like going to bed late, eating processed food, or not exercising, can help fight aging by reducing epigenetic changes.

"Bad habits are like switches that turn on genes for cancer, skin aging, and other conditions," said Dr. Aziz.

For the next level up, he recommends taking targeted anti-aging supplements.

This includes supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked to living longer because they improve heart health and fight inflammation,3 and folic acid, which may reduce the risk of stroke by 18%.4

Dr. Aziz recommends nicotinamide riboside because it boosts NAD+ in the body, which he has dubbed "the fountain-of-youth supplement" for its ability to optimize DNA repair and brain function, protect nerves, decrease pain, and slow the aging process.

Others on his must-have list include taurine, resveratrol, quercetin, fisetin, carnosine, selenium, ubiquinol, nattokinase, and more.

Dr. Aziz, who takes close to 30 supplements per day, says that, "Supplements are a nice insurance to eating right and exercising. Taking the right supplements can extend your life."

Take Anti-Aging to the Next Level

Dr. Aziz's next level up in the quest to combat the hallmarks of aging includes practicing hormetic stress, a type of beneficial stress that builds resilience in your body.

For example, intermittent fasting, which involves going a period of time without eating, has been shown to reduce inflammation and markers of oxidative stress while boosting antiaging processes. One study in cardiac catheterization patients found that those who fasted routinely during at least five years were associated with a 49% lower risk of early death.5

Cryotherapy, a treatment that exposes the body to near-freezing temperatures, builds collagen in the skin,6 and stimulates healthy, metabolically active brown fat.7

On the other end of the temperature extremes, using a sauna four times a week has been tied to a lower risk of heart attack.8

Dr. Aziz recommends utilizing advanced blood tests to check for hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, genetic testing, and other biomarkers.

Success Stories

Since becoming a functional medicine doctor, Dr. Aziz has helped thousands of patients turn their health—and their life—around.

Like Carly, who lost more than 100 pounds following Dr. Aziz's diet plan and was able to avoid knee surgery after a torn ACL.

Or Chris, who was able to resolve his type II diabetes and stop taking medication.

Or Steve, who resolved his issues with fatigue, low libido, and erectile dysfunction by addressing the underlying issue with diet, supplements, and testosterone replacement therapy.

Countless other patients have been able to stop taking their cholesterol and blood pressure medications, normalize kidney function, or no longer need a sleep apnea machine.

Another one of Dr. Aziz's success stories is himself. Today, at age 59, Dr. Aziz says that by implementing the steps he lays out in his book, he has turned his health around.

"When I look at myself, I think I'm really becoming ageless myself. I'm fit now, I'm not overweight. My blood pressure is perfect. My blood sugar is good," said Dr. Aziz

One big reason is because he has implemented yet another key strategy of people who have long lifespans: He is living his life with purpose.

"My purpose in life is bigger than just becoming a doctor," said Dr. Aziz. "I want to help people live better, to prevent age-related diseases, and to live longer. This book is the biggest gift I can give to anybody."

Dr. Michael Aziz practices in Manhattan. To book an appointment with Dr. Aziz, visit

To order a copy of The Ageless Revolution, call 1-800-544-4440 or visit

Item #72438 • Price: $13.46


  1. Available at: Accessed September 25, 2024.
  2. López-Otín C, Blasco MA, Partridge L, et al. Hallmarks of aging: An expanding universe. Cell. 2023;186(2):243-78.
  3. Djuricic I, Calder PC. Beneficial Outcomes of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Human Health: An Update for 2021. Nutrients. 2021 Jul 15;13(7).
  4. Wang X, Qin X, Demirtas H, et al. Efficacy of folic acid supplementation in stroke prevention: a meta-analysis. Lancet. 2007 Jun 2;369(9576):1876-82.
  5. Horne BD, Bartholomew C, Anderson JL, et al. Abstract 11123: Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle and Human Longevity in Cardiac Catheterization Populations. Circulation. 2019 2019/11/19;140(Suppl_1):A11123-A.
  6. Carruthers J, Stevens WG, Carruthers A, et al. Cryolipolysis and skin tightening. Dermatol Surg. 2014 Dec;40 Suppl 12:S184-9.
  7. Wiecek M, Szymura J, Sproull J, et al. Whole-Body Cryotherapy Is an Effective Method of Reducing Abdominal Obesity in Menopausal Women with Metabolic Syndrome. J Clin Med. 2020 Aug 30;9(9).
  8. Laukkanen T, Kunutsor SK, Khan H, et al. Sauna bathing is associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality and improves risk prediction in men and women: a prospective cohort study. BMC Med. 2018 Nov 29;16(1):219.