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- 2025
- March
March Life Extension Magazine®
A 2024 published review concluded that trace levels of lithium in drinking water may reduce dementia risks. This corroborates previous findings showing how low-dose lithium can help promote whole-body healthy aging.

Relief for Premenstrual Symptoms
In separate clinical trials, daily use of a standardized ginger extract, and combination of vitamin B6 and magnesium, help relieve common premenstrual symptoms.

Triglyceride Control with Fish Oil
A meta-analysis of 40 clinical trials found that higher intake of EPA/DHA was associated with a 35% reduction in risk of fatal heart attack. Studies suggest these cardio-protective effects may be related to reduced blood triglycerides and lowering of various inflammatory factors.

Life Extension Advocated for Thymosin alpha 1 in 1981
In 1981 we published an article calling for approval of thymosin alpha 1 as an adjuvant cancer therapy and potentially, for reversing certain forms of immune senescence. We reprint this 1981 article to show how far behind Americans are in gaining access to medications used in other countries.

The Alliance for Longevity Initiatives Promoting Policies to Increase Healthspan
The nonprofit Alliance for Longevity Initiatives works to get key players from government and the longevity community to join together in ways to boost healthy human lifespans.

How Many Needless Deaths?
The thymus gland begins to shrivel after puberty, causing levels of immune peptides like thymosin alpha 1 to plummet. Studies reveal robust therapeutic potential when THYMUS GLAND thymosin is combined with conventional treatments for certain cancers, sepsis, viral infections, and autoimmune disorders. Despite thymosin alpha 1 being available 44 years ago, most Americans lack access to it.

In the News: Vitamin D Deficiency Associated with Greater Multiple Sclerosis Risk
Nicotinamide riboside improves peripheral artery disease; high antioxidant intake may inhibit hair loss; carnitine improves sepsis outcomes; aged black garlic may improve prostate health.

Dr. Michael Aziz The Ageless Revolution Looking Younger, and Living Longer
In his latest book, The Ageless Revolution, anti-aging authority Dr. Michael Aziz gives step-by-step instructions for tackling key hallmarks of aging and living a healthier, longer life.