June Issue
In his new book, The Truth About Men and Sex, Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, associate professor at Harvard Medical School, writes about the invaluable benefits of testosterone supplementation for aging men. His research has proven that testosterone treatment does not cause prostate cancer.

The Value of Testing Beyond Cholesterol and LDL For The Prevention of Heart Disease
Standard cholesterol blood tests do not measure levels of oxidized LDL, which carries significant vascular risk. Blood tests for oxidized LDL were previously available only at specialized research labs. Now, Life Extension® members can access this lifesaving test that helps measure heart attack risk at an affordable cost.

Protect Your Skin From Age-Related Glycation
Glycation disrupts collagen metabolism, which leads to wrinkles and sagging. Clinical and lab studies show that five topical nutrients work in complementary ways to block the detrimental effects of glycation and promote dermal regeneration—preserving the skin’s youthful appearance.

Block The Deadly Effects Of Acid Reflux
Blocking stomach acid with drugs like Nexium® provides only partial protection from acid reflux and may lead to increased bone fracture risk. A safer approach is a raft-forming alginate that blocks the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus helping to prevent discomfort and the risk of esophageal cancer.

Misguided Medicine
When Massachusetts General Hospital studied the effects of testosterone in men, they inadvertently overdosed patients with an estrogen-suppressing drug. The drug overdose caused the findings to be seriously flawed. The media misinterpreted the study and insinuated that aging men should not restore youthful hormone balance.

Surprising Factor Behind Sudden Cardiac Arrest
A 2014 study reveals that low testosterone or high levels of estrogen can sharply increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest in men. Failure to grasp this simple blood testing concept may be a contributing factor in over 260,000 American deaths each year. Find out how the FDA misinterpreted published human data about testosterone replacement and the critical importance of testing estrogen blood levels in men before testosterone is prescribed.

In The News
Life Extension®-supported study finds vitamin D improves HIV-positive patients; low testosterone increases heart disease mortality; nut consumption reduces risk of death; Americans want faster FDA drug approvals; vitamin K2 inhibits arterial wall stiffness; and more.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy
In his book Testosterone Replacement Therapy—A Recipe For Success, Dr. John Crisler has written a practical guide for any man seeking the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, discussing everything from appropriate blood testing to ideal methods of delivery.

Surviving Environmental Toxins
Beth Daly credits activated charcoal for saving her life after what she believes was an environmental toxin-related illness that doctors could not identify.

Doctored: The Disillusionment Of An American Physician
In his book, Doctored—The Disillusionment of an American Physician, Dr. Sandeep Jauhar reveals the troubling realities of practicing medicine today.