May Issue
Clinically proven to reduce incidence of heart attack and cancer, while fostering safe weight loss, the Mediterranean diet is one of the most effective ways to increase longevity.Dr. Michael Ozner reveals how he uses his Miami Mediterranean Diet program to keep his cardiac patients out of the hospital.

Powerful Relief from Inflammatory Pain and Other Age-Related Disorders
Those suffering joint discomforts have endured horrific side effects from FDA-approved drugs. New human studies from Europe document how a low-cost plant enzyme can significantly relieve joint tenderness and inflammation.
The Most Important Tool for Disease Prevention
A proven, but underused approach to forestall age-related disease is to test one’s blood annually. The problem is mainstream doctors don’t order specific blood tests to detect correctable risk factors that cause most premature deaths. Fortunately, the cost of comprehensive blood testing has dropped to the lowest levels ever.

D-Ribose: Energize Your Heart, Save Your Life
New studies reveal how a low-cost nutrient can protect the heart from the kind of reperfusion injury that normally occurs after cardiac arrest. Additional research shows how this nutrient can improve cardiac ejection fractions as well as boost exercise capacity in fatigued muscles.
The Miami Mediterranean Diet
In this exclusive excerpt from the new book, The Miami Mediterranean Diet, preventive cardiologist Dr. Michael Ozner presents a medically sound program of diet, stress relief, and key natural compounds to help you lose weight and reduce your risk of degenerative disease.
Magnesium: Widespread Deficiency with Deadly Consequences
Magnesium is an absolutely essential nutrient for sustaining a healthy heart, bone health, and properly functioning nervous and immune systems. Due to numerous factors, this mineral is dangerously deficient throughout the American population.
Health Advisors at your Service
Life Extension’s advisors provide individualized health advice based on up-to-the-minute research. This service can help you understand complex health issues as well as design an enhanced nutrition program.
Consumers Misled About Cholesterol and Statin Drugs
No one has battled the pharmaceutical industry longer or harder than the Life Extension Foundation. In response to a flawed study, however, Life Extension finds itself in the unusual position of defending the proper use of statin drugs. The reason Life Extension has to do this is that pharmaceutical companies appear too shell-shocked to figure out why their own study failed.
Lethal effects of high C-reactive protein; scientists grow first “bioartificial heart;” lycopene benefits prostate health; DHEA protects cardiovascular health; vitamin B6 cuts risk of colon cancer; and more.
Symposium Highlights Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Advanced health news from a leading cardiology symposium.