September Issue
Cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli) contain potent anti-cancer compounds. A new delivery system enables more of these cancer-fighters to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

How Osteoporosis Accelerates Aging
As bone decays, harmful inflammatory proteins are released along with growth factors that facilitate malignant cell propagation and contribute to vascular calcification.

Improve Visual Acuity
Ingestion of plant carotenoids can lower risk of advanced macular degeneration by 41%. The addition of the spice saffron improves visual acuity as measured on a standard eye chart.

Research Outcomes on Cancer Drugs
Two drugs demonstrate benefits in treating prostate and breast cancers.

Coffee Alternative Boosts Mental Focus
A caffeine-free instant tea has been shown to improve concentration, boost short-term working memory, and help clear brain fog.

Cancer Patients Should Bank Their Stem Cells
Chemotherapy inflicts damage to bone marrow stem cells vital for immune function. Newly diagnosed cancer patients can benefit by storing their bone marrow stem cells prior to treatment.

Anti-Cancer Nutrients Found in Cruciferous Veggies
Death rates from cancer are down, but the number of Americans dying each year is higher than ever. A new method enables people to achieve higher blood levels of anti-cancer nutrients found in cruciferous vegetables.

In The News
NSAIDs boost cancer survival; compounds from curcumin and fisetin slow aging; coffee may cut risk of diabetes; vitamin-D deficiency linked to depression risk, and more.

Jared Firestone
After suffering a stroke at 23, and recovering, Jared Firestone threw himself into one of the world’s most stressful, high-risk sports and now has set his sights on the 2022 Winter Olympics.

The protein, anthocyanins, and insoluble fiber in the 15 varieties of cabbage help enhance cardiovascular and digestive health, and protect against cancer.