June Issue
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms the ability of testosterone to reverse common aging factors in men. The problem with this study is that one arm was overdosed on an estrogen-suppressing drug. The result was serious side effects. Our concern is that physicians will use this data as an excuse to avoid prescribing these drugs to aging men who need them, which will result in tragedies as estrogen overload is a serious condition in aging men, as is estrogen deficit.

Wide-Ranging Longevity Benefits Of Pycnogenol
Discovered in Europe, a standardized French Maritime pine extract improves congestive heart failure, reduces markers of metabolic syndrome, and protects against neurological disorders.

A New Way To Manage Depression Without Drugs
A 2013 study found that curcumin fights depression by attacking multiple underlying targets without harmful side effects. The study showed curcumin is as effective as an anti-depressant medication—and that curcumin promoted the creation of new hippocampal brain cells!

The 2013 SENS Foundation Conference
The SENS Foundation’s mission is to reverse the seven causes of aging. At the recent SENS conference, several scientists credited the Life Extension Foundation® for funding their research. Topics included rejuvenating gene therapy, calorie restriction, improved resuscitation technologies, tissue regeneration, and the role of sirtuin enzymes in aging.

Maximizing Omega-3 Health Benefits
Cellular uptake of omega-3 fatty acids from fish and krill oil occurs at different rates in the body. The combination of fish oil and krill oil supplies a spectrum of fatty acids to a variety of cellular targets, further enhancing the effects of omega-3s in preventing brain shrinkage, boosting heart health, and improving endothelial function.

Support Hair And Scalp Regeneration
Optimal scalp health is a key to healthy hair. Argan tree extract targets the origins of hair loss by stimulating self-renewal of dermal stem cells—alleviating dry scalp and improving hair growth.

The Dangers Of Using Antibiotics To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
Of the more than 11 million people who visited the doctor last year for a urinary tract infection, almost all were treated with antibiotics. What researchers have found is that cranberries effectively block bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract lining, thereby preventing UTI infection without the use of antibiotics.

In The News
Vitamin D reduces mortality in cancer patients; omega-3 improves cardiac factors; vitamin D deficiency compromises immunity; grape seed reduces chemo damage; vitamin A helps block tuberculosis; calcium and vitamin D are linked to lower LDL, higher HDL; vitamin D helps prevent autism; and more.

An Impressive Body of Work:Warren Honeycutt
Black belt, bodybuilder, and Masters Heavyweight National Physique Committee finalist for five consecutive years, Warren Honeycutt, age 60, attributes his excellent health and physique to solid nutrition, sugar avoidance, exercise, his supplement regime, and his long association with Life Extension.