January Issue
Loss of short-term memory is a troubling aspect of brain aging. A clinical study evaluated a standardized sage extract compared to placebo in adults over age 64. Within hours of ingesting this sage extract, memory performance increased nearly 60% along with an approximate 2.5-fold improvement in attention.

Magnesium: The Overlooked Mineral
Higher magnesium intake improves cognitive function, DNA repair, and results in a 41% reduction in stroke risk.

Glycation Accelerates Whole-Body Aging
When glucose binds to your body’s proteins, the result is formation of glycated structures that accelerate aging processes. Nutrients like benfotiamine and carnosine provide considerable protection against toxic glycation reactions.

Beyond Heart Health
Aging and use of statin drugs lowers levels of CoQ10 in the body. Researchers have discovered new benefits for CoQ10 including reducing the brain damage inflicted by ischemic stroke.

Research Update: Protect Against Formaldehyde Exposure
Formaldehyde is a pervasive environmental toxin that may lead to dementia, diabetes, and depression. Carnosine can help neutralize these damaging effects.

Milk Thistle Promotes Liver Detoxification
Liver deaths have jumped 65% in recent years because of an increase in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease largely due to obesity. Standardized milk thistle extracts have demonstrated remarkable protective and restoration effects on liver health.

Win the War Against Brain Aging
Contrary to what you read in the media, the prevalence of dementia has sharply decreased in people who follow healthy lifestyles. Find out why steps you take to prevent cardiovascular disease are enabling you to win the war against degenerative brain aging.

In The News
Anti-inflammatory foods slash mortality; vitamin D protects heart; cruciferous vegetables reduce carotid thickness; and probiotics protect liver.

Healthy Destinations: Balance for Life
Real estate investor Harold Lebovic and chiropractor Dr. Frank Sabatino offer “smart vacations,” where resort guests take a break from day-to-day toxicity and teach their bodies to burn fat—including either a plant-based diet or supervised water fasting.

Healthy Eating: Gordon Ramsay's Healthy, Lean and Fit
Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay’s new cookbook, Healthy, Lean, & Fit: Mouthwatering Recipes to Fuel You for Life, divides recipes into three sections—Healthy, Lean, and Fit—catering to the reader’s specific aims. We provide a small sampling.

Author Interview: Satchin Panda, PhD: The Circadian Code
Dr. Satchin Panda, author of The Circadian Code, explains that with some lifestyle modifications, you can restore balance to your circadian rhythm and reap long-term rewards in better sleep, greater health, and reduced risk of disease.